BRED 2022 activity report

It has a very special meaning to me because it marks the end of 10 years of commitment to BRED.
Year after year, despite an adverse environment for commercial banks, the BRED group has significantly increased its net banking income and the results of all its activities.
In retail banking, BRED has further developed its local relationships by reorganizing and modernizing its branches and deploying the most effective digital tools to improve proactivity, responsiveness and convenience.
At the same time, it has further improved its advisory capacity by investing heavily in training and skills. Today, it is a 100% advisory bank, providing advice and support for the life and business projects, large and small, of each of its clients. A bank that is loyal to its clients and useful to the economy of its territories, in France, East Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific.
A bank supported by 6,300 employees, in France and outside France (one third of them), in retail banking, corporate banking, trading room, trade finance, etc., who work daily to provide the best quality of service and advice to their clients.
I would like to thank them for their invaluable contribution to BRED’s transformation over the past ten years!
CEO of BRED and Professor of Financial Macroeconomics and of Monetary Policy at HEC Paris